Jul 23, 2011

E-Fest 2011 online Contest from worldcolleges.info

We are glad to introduce ourselves to you, www.worldcolleges.info a non-profit web portal gives all possible information in the field of education around the world.
  • cited in the textbook on Computer Science for +2 students of Tamilnadu state in India.
  • A Partner of Grameen Gyan Abhiyan Secretariat (Mission 2007) - Rural Knowledge Movement. Hosted by M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation.
  • Now, Come forward to Spotlighting and Recognizing the rural talent in Nationwide through Efest 2011
  • Distribute Awards and prizes worth Rs. 3 Lakhs for the winners.
  • Institutions which Motivates highest number of students will be given awards of recognition during the award ceremony.
  • Award ceremony – To be Telecosted on Web / TV .
  • Encourage participants to get certificate of recognition and other prizes.
  • In alliance with Center of Excellence for change (CEC)to identify approximately 200 dynamic youths and to provide space for developing their leadership skills and make it available to the entire Society. Visit http://www.waterandclimatefuture.com
  • Make arrangements with Corporate Companies to provide Job opportunities.
 With absolutely FREE registration, this competition “E-Fest ~2011” going to be conducted at four levels where three winners will be selected at the end for awarding of prizes. The information of the students who participate in the E-Fest, will be archived in our data bank, and shared with Corporate companies, who select the young talents for their concerns

We request the Heads of Institutions and Departmental Heads to bring this to the notice of the students and encourage them to participate.
This EFEST program is sponsored by WORLD EDUCATION VISION.
To know further details please visit


30thJuly to 6th August
L1-Online IQ Test
10th August to 15th
L2-Online Brain Bench
18th to 31st August
L3-E paper Presentation
L4-National Level convention
Award ceremony – in the month of September

Thanks & Regards,
+91 44 42139949,28222999
www.appleg.in / www.worldcolleges.info
worldcolleges@appleg.net /

Jul 13, 2011

Mind Works

                We think one of the best pastimes ever, is solving some awesome brain teasers. Some are easy, some are a little tough. And some can be so utterly perplexing, that you feel plain stupid when you see the answers later on. The temptation to check the answers to a brain teaser can be overwhelming. But let's see if you can resist the temptation this time. Given here are some brain teasers with answers. Check them out and see for yourself how these mind games help you to improve your concentration and alertness levels.

1. Two women apply for a job. They are identical. They have the same mother, father and birthday. The interviewer asks, "Are you twins?" to which they honestly reply, "No".
How is this possible?

2. Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?

3. Is it legal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

4. What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?

5. Peacocks are birds that do not lay eggs. Then how do baby peacocks arrive into this world?

6. A man makes a claim that he can predict the exact score of every football game, before it begins. And he's always right. How's that possible?

7. A prisoner is told "If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you." What can he say to save himself?

8. A glass of water with a single ice cube sits on a table. When the ice has completely melted, will the level of the water have increased, decreased or remain unchanged?


1. Because they were triplets.
2. Stop imagining.
3. No! Because he is alive
4. Mailbox
5. The peahen lays the eggs!
6. He says that the score before every football game begins, is 0-0
7. You will hang me.
8. Remain unchanged. When frozen, the ice cube displaces its weight.

Didn't we tell you these brain teasers with answers will almost frustrate you?
LOL! Don't worry, there are a lot of more really hard riddles for you to solve. Kindly wait for our next set of mailers.